Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Discovery Farms' program highlighted on its Web site and in Northwest Arkansas Times story

Please click link to read about
Discovery Farms environmental program in Wisconsin

Please click on link to read
Northwest Arkansas Times story on Discovery Farms environmental program in Wisconsin

Dairy farmer discusses program that monitors environmental data
BY TRISH HOLLENBECK Northwest Arkansas Times
Posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2008
URL: http://www.nwanews.com/nwat/News/67369/
SPRINGDALE — Joe Bragger says he believes farmers and nonfarmers can work together to solve environmental and economic problems.

There are fringe groups out there that will never be happy with anything he does, Bragger, a dairy farmer who also raises chickens and beef cattle on his family’s farm in west-central Wisconsin, said Monday.

But then there are the rest of the people who farmers can work with to get things done, he said in an interview after giving a speech about Wisconsin’s Discovery Farms Program during Arkansas Farm Bureau’s 60 th annual Officers & Leaders Conference at the Holiday Inn in Springdale.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fran Alexander discusses climate change in Northwest Arkansas Times column

CROSS CURRENTS : Getting personal
Fran Alexander frana@nwarktimes.com
Posted on Monday, July 14, 2008

Fran Alexander's climate-change column in Northwest Arkansas Times

Full fathom five thy father lies: Of his bones are coral made: Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange. The Tempest — William Shakespeare There are many times when the debate becomes personal between those who believe the planet is in real trouble with those who obviously don’t. I realize we environmentalists are looked on as Henny-Pennys running around saying the sky is falling, while we believe those who do not see the situation that way are burying their heads in sands of denial. Both opinions are reaching tipping points, those moments in time when there is a sea change, a transformation when nothing is ever the same again.

If climate specialists are correct, we have less than a decade to lower our carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions, and that means starting now, not waiting still longer to change what we are doing. If we do not throw some of our behaviors into reverse, global changes will come more rapidly and probably more intensely than we can adapt to peacefully as a global population, especially since we do not get along with each other too well even now. At the rate we are pumping CO 2 into our atmosphere, by the end of this century, when our grandkids might still be alive, actual sea changes will have occurred with ocean levels rising 15 feet or more and wiping out coastal cities and islands the world over. Already the Arctic ice has decreased by half and Greenland is melting around its edges. And if you think immigration is an issue now, in a few decades this current movement of people from country to country will look like a walk in the park.

In the last 200 years we really got busy stirring our industrial pots and revving our internal combustion engines. We also doubled and redoubled our human population and will do so again by 2024. We know from Antarctic ice coring data that for thousands of years carbon dioxide particles held at around 280 parts per million (ppm ) of air particles. It stands to reason, therefore, that probably we industrializing humans might have had something to do with the rise in only two centuries to today’s levels of 380 ppm (and increasing at 2 ppm per year ).

If we get to 450 ppm it’s “Goodbye Charlie” — or more scientifically put, it’ll be way too late to reverse massive global damages or reincarnate ourselves out of our mess. So, what to do?

Well, as usual, our health is in the hands of politicians who are in the hands of economic barons. We citizens have, in lieu of money and organization, only our numbers with our massive buying power, which impresses barons, and our voting numbers, which impresses politicians. We’ve gotta use our numbers (Here’s where things get personal. )

If we think globally and act locally, citizens will tackle global warming by doing a few things. We will write some letters and e-mail, we will make some phone calls, and we will tell our friends to do the same. At a graduate level, we could boycott some bad corporate players, change some of our consuming ways, and publicly ask some hard questions of our politicians.

Arkansas’ Legislature has established the Governor’s Commission on Global Warming for creating legislative recommendations in the January 2009 session. These folks have major work on their hands in finding a path for curing the state’s warming problems that many refuse to believe exist. Not least among those problems is that the greatest greenhouse gas of them all, carbon dioxide, is not regulated as an air contaminant by our state’s Department of Environmental Quality. Ah, if only it was as easy to eradicate pollution as it is to manipulate definitions and play with semantics !

This little word problem could wreak havoc if it is not fixed since it is possible that the gigantic 600 megawatt coal-burning power plant proposed to be built near Texarkana will, along with another one now being built at Osceola, belch out enough to raise Arkansas’ CO 2 emissions by 16 percent. However, if CO 2 is declared a contaminant that must be regulated, then this plant, which would spew 5 million tons of CO 2 a year, and future coal burning utilities will have to be judged on their air quality contamination and regulated accordingly.

So, our own personal and immediate first assignment to begin to reverse CO 2 in our state is to personally contact the people on the Global Warming Commission and tell them it makes no sense for the state’s right hand to be fixing problems with policy while the left hand is actually opening the doors to millions more tons of CO 2. Since industry is contacting them individually and singing the praises of coal burning in all its various yet still heavily polluting configurations, we should also contact them. If you write only one letter and send it to each of their email or home addresses, that would do nicely.

Although the governor’s commission contact information is not yet on its Web site Governor's Commission on Global Warming Web site but it can be found on a blog developed by citizens Carbon Caps Task Force
where global warming information is posted. Another good source of general information is at
Newsletter available by e-mail from Robert McAfee of the Governor's Commission on Global Warming
If you have difficulty finding the commissioners’ contact list, e-mail me or try List of members of Governor's Commission on Global Warming with contact information

Our species is on the brink of self-correction or willful neglect so we can either put our big brains to work or join the dinosaurs at “ full fathom five. ” There are solutions, many which are simple and others seemingly close to impossible. But if we suffer the sea change within ourselves first and get off our backsides and make a little effort, our future could, as Shakespeare put it, become “ something rich and strange. ”

I like the sound of that.

Fran Alexander is a local resident and an active environmentalist.

Copyright © 2001-2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. All rights reserved. Contact: webmaster@nwanews.com

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Golden Triangle group supports coal-fired power plants

Golden Triangle Economic Development Council

16TH JUL '08
GTEDC Board Meeting, SAU Tech, East Camden (3:30 PM)
17TH JUL '08
Clean Coal Technology Conference (8:00 AM)
15TH OCT '08
GTEDC Legislative Workshop - Fall 2008 (9:00 AM)
29TH JAN '09
GTEDC Legislative Luncheon (11:30 AM)

GTEDC 2009 Legislative Luncheon, Little Rock



Clean Coal Technology Conference, July 17-18, 2008, U of A Comm College at Hope, Hope, AR. For additional information visit www.ArkansasPower.org


Jun 25th, 2008 by admin | 0



An impressive delegation representing the South Arkansas Sparta Aquifer Recovery Initiative traveled to Washington, D.C. last month to accept a Department of Interior prestigious Cooperative Conservation Award. Pictured with U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne are: L to R (alternating front to back): David Sartain, El Dorado Chemical; Pete Howard, Great Lakes/Chemtura Central Plant; Bill O’Brien, Entegra/Union Power Partners; Steve Cousins, Lion Oil Company; Jon Sweeney, Arkansas Natural Resources Commission; Mark Myers, Director, U.S. Geological Survey; Todd Fugitt, Arkansas Natural Resources Commission; Kameran Onley, acting Assistant Secretary - Water and Science, U.S. Department of the Interior; Phil Hays, USGS Arkansas Water Science Center Little Rock; Robert Reynolds, President Union County Water Conservation Board; Dave Freiwald, USGS Arkansas Water Science Center Little Rock; Secretary Kempthorne; Truett Smith (Mark’s son); Sherrel Johnson, Union County Stakeholders 1997-1999/UCWCB Grants Administrator; Mark Smith, Arkansas 82nd General Assembly; Pat Higgins, Burns & McDonnell Engineers, Kansas City; Rodney Baker, Arkansas Farm Bureau

The Golden Triangle Economic Development Council held it’s annual dinner meeting on April 17, 2008 at the El Dorado Golf and Country Club.
The keynote speaker, W. Dan Hendrix, President and CEO of the Arkansas World Trade Center, Rogers, AR acquainted the audience with the mission and goals of the World Trade Center and he urged businesses and industries to work with the Trade Center to pursue opportunities available in the foreign trade import /export business. For additional information visit their website: www.awtc.org.
Dr. David Rankin, Chairman, GTEDC, presented the GTEDC “ Year in Review.” He discussed the highlights of the year which included the Legislative Dinner, Lignite Conference, IT Symposium, Highway 167 from Fordyce to I-530 with Sheridan bypass.
The dinner was well attended with approximately 70 GTEDC members and their guests.
Rankin, introduced the slate of 2008-2009 board members and officers nominated. The membership voting present and by proxy approved the board members unanimously.


June 18, 2008 3:30 pm Oil and Brine Museum, Smackover, AR
July 16, 2008 3:30 pm SAU Tech, East Camden, AR
Sept 16, 2008 3:30 pm El Dorado Chamber of Commerce, El Dorado, AR


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Conference in Hope to tout virtues of clean coal for generating electric power


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Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Day
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Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Day

Finding Clean and Innovative Solutions to Arkansas’ Energy Needs
July 17-18, 2008
University of Arkansas Community College at Hope
Hope, Arkansas
Hosted by:

Conference Update: Keynote Speakers Announced
Former House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt and Congressman Mike Ross have signed on to present keynotes at the Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Conference.

Conference Update: New panel announced
Interim Arkansas Public Service Commission Chairman Colette Honorable will moderate the “What to do about Greenhouse Gasses” panel on Thursday, July 17. Panelists include Nancy Mohn from ALSTROM Power and Bekki White, Arkansas’ state geologist.
Meeting Overview:
We invite you to join ACCCE and the University of Arkansas Community College at Hope for a special conference dedicated to clean coal technologies and their potential for the state of Arkansas.
The Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Conference will feature keynote addresses by Congressman Mike Ross and former House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt, and bring together state elected officials, regulatory agencies and industry experts to discuss the latest technologies to meet Arkansas’ growing energy needs and environmental future.
Topics at the Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Day include:
Greenhouse gas reduction technology development
Demonstration of clean coal technologies
Electricity costs and economic development
State “smart energy” incentives
Carbon capture and safe storage
For a complete list of topics and speakers, please see the complete agenda.
Conference Date/Time:
The conference will run Thursday, July 17 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Friday, July 18 from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A dinner program will be held Thursday evening from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Hope Coliseum.
The University of Arkansas Community College at Hope
Johnny Rapert Library Complex
2500 S Main
Hope, Arkansas 71801
Hope Coliseum
Hope, AR 71801
Attendee Registration:
Admission to the conference is free, but a limited number of seats are available. Please download the registration form and fax or email it to Jay Dauenhauer at 512-708-8699 or jay@cctft.org.
Credential media are invited to attend the conference and the reception/dinner program. An on-site press/interview room will be provided as well as access to audio/video/Internet feeds. To register, please contact Leah Arnold at 703-302-1222 or larnold@cleancoalusa.org.
For those attendees needing overnight accommodations, we have reserved room blocks at both the Hope Best Western and Holiday Inn Express. To receive special rates, please ask for the Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Conference rate.
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Clean Coal a joke and not even being considered for proposed plant in Arkansas

Monday, July 07, 2008
Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Conference Touts Experts in Energy, Economics and Government

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ALEXANDRIA, Va., July 7, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ ----Conference Programming Includes Keynotes and Presentations focused on Clean Coal Technologies, Energy Cost Concerns, Energy Security and the Environment

A full slate of expert speakers highlights the agenda of the upcoming Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Conference in Hope, Arkansas. The conference details Arkansas' role in the development and deployment of advanced clean coal technologies as well as the associated environmental, economic and public policy concerns. The event runs July 17 -18, 2008.

The Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Conference features two high-profile keynoters, Former House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt and Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR). Gephardt takes the stage on Thursday evening, July 17, to discuss national energy security issues. Rep. Ross leads off Friday morning with a presentation on federal initiatives in support of clean coal technology and the opportunities available for Arkansas.

Day one of the conference revolves around coal as a fuel for the future with emphasis on advanced coal generation, technology development, emissions reductions, carbon capture and storage and Arkansas energy resources. Thursday presenters include Stu Dalton from the Electric Power Research Institute; Monty Jasper from American Electric Power; Dr. Claude Baker from Southern Arkansas University's Lignite Research Institute; Nick Harbilas from Siemens Power Generation Inc.; and Frank McMullen from Union Pacific Railroad.

Thursday's program also features a panel titled "What to do about Greenhouse Gasses" moderated by Colette Honorable, interim chairman of the Arkansas Public Service Commission. Panelists are Nancy Mohn from Alstom Power and Bekki White, Arkansas' state geologist.

On Friday morning, following the keynote by Rep. Ross and his introduction by State Senator Barbara Horn, the program takes aim at the economics of coal-based electricity generation and new energy opportunities in the south. Friday speakers include Morry Davis from Peabody Energy and the American Association of Blacks in Energy; Jeff Sanford from the Texarkana Chamber of Commerce; Nick Brown from the Southwest Power Pool; Ken Nemeth from the Southern States Energy Board; Mike Smith from the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission; and Arkansas State Rep. Bubba Powers.

Two panels on Friday focus on the public policy efforts elements essential to preserving the reliability, affordability and security of Arkansas' energy future. First, Sandy Hochstetter from the Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp. leads a discussion with Commissioner David Ziegner from the Indiana Utility Regulatory on making clean coal technology a reality. Immediately following, Arkansas State Rep. Nathan George moderates a panel on the challenges of clean coal policy featuring fellow state legislators Rep. Carl Holmes from Kansas; Sen. David Myers from Oklahoma; and Rep. Rick Hardcastle from Texas.

Sponsored by the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), the Center for Legislative Energy and Environmental Research (CLEER) and the Southern States Energy Board (SSEB), the Arkansas Clean Coal Technology Conference will take place on the campus of the University of Arkansas Community College at Hope in the Johnny Rapert Library Conference.

For more details, including registration information and a full agenda, please visit www.ArkansasPower.org.


The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) is a non-profit, non-partisan partnership of companies involved in producing electricity from coal. Because coal is America's most abundant energy resource, ACCCE supports energy policies that balance coal's vital role in meeting our country's growing need for affordable and reliable electricity with the need to protect the environment. ACCCE also advocates for the development and deployment of advanced clean coal technologies that will produce electricity with near-zero emissions. Headquartered in Alexandria, VA, ACCCE can be found on the Web at www.cleancoalusa.org or www.americaspower.org.

SOURCE American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity


Friday, July 11, 2008

Members of Arkansas Governor's Commission on Global Warming want to hear from you


Mr. Aubra Anthony, Forestry
1501 North Jefferson
El Dorado, Arkansas 71730
(870) 862‐3414, aanthony@anthonyforest.com
Pres & CEO of Anthony Forest Products Co.

Mr. Nick Brown, Public Energy
4907 North Lookout
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
(501) 614‐3213, nbrown@spp.org
Formerly with Forest Stewardship Council, worked for World Wildlife Fed.

Rep. Joan Cash, At Large
1301 Thrush Road
Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401
(870) 802‐0406, jcash@ritternet.com
Rep in Ark legislature.

Mr. Steve Cousins, Ark Chamber of Commerce
1000 McHenry, PO Bo x7005
El Dorado, Arkansas 71731
(870) 864‐1120, Steve.cousins@lionoil.com
Chair of Ark Chamber of Commerce.

Dr. Jerry Farris, Scientist
3613 Alabama Road
Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401
(870) 933‐8295, jlfarris@astate.edu
9. Aquatic toxicologist at Ark State Univ, Jonesboro.

Mr. Rob Fisher, At Large
4319 North Lookout Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
(501) 372‐7895, fisher@ecoconservation.org

Dr. Richard Ford, Economist
17000 Lawson Road
Little Rock, Arkansas 72210
(501) 821‐1700, rkford@ualr.edu
Economist at UALR, Pres of UALR Gen Assembly.

Mr. Miles Goggans, Agriculture
16 Greathouse Bend
Little Rock, Arkansas 72207
(501) 374‐9500, mmg@goggansinc.com
Former chief of staff for Sen. David Pryor.

Dr. Art Hobson, Scientist
525 North Olive
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
(479) 575‐5918, ahobson@uark.edu
Physicist, UA Fayetteville

Mr. Kevan Inboden, Municipal Energy
Post Office Box 1289
Jonesboro, Arkansas 72403
(870) 930-3325, kinboden@jonesborocwl.org

Mr. Christopher Ladner, Sustainable Energy Construction
2919 Shenandoah Valley Drive, Suite 701
Little Rock, Arkansas 72212
(501) 661‐0621, chris.ladner@ecointegration.net
Green Building Council representative.

Dr. Elizabeth (Betty) Martin, Union (AFL-CIO)
2825 East Weston Place
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703
(479) 575‐5840, plantvirology@cox.net
Biological & agricultural engineering. Fayetteville. Plant Pathology.

Dr. Robert McAfee, Climatologist
2610 West Hackett Road
Hackett, Arkansas 72937
(479) 638‐8371, robertmca1@aol.com
An Al Gore trainee.

Mr. Bill Reed, House Appointee
P.O. Bo x927
Stuttgart, Arkansas 72160
(870) 673‐5212, breed@riceland.com
CEO of Riceland Corp

Dr. Cindy Sagers, Environmental Nonprofit
435 North Olive
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
(479) 575‐5547, csagers@uark.edu
UA Dept of biology, former chair of Sierra Club's Ozark Headwaters group.

Mr. Jeffrey Short, Environmental Nonprofit
122 Riverpark Drive
Malvern, Arkansas 72104
(501) 337‐7107, bashman@earthlink.net
Retired AF Colonel, scientist, biologist, organic farmer.

Mr. Hugh McDonald, Industry
CEO of Entergy Arkansas

Mr. Kevin Smith, Ark Senate appointee
135 Waverly Wood Drive
Helena, AR 72342
(870)816-5122, kasmith@suddenlinkmail.com
Former state senator, did the Al Gore training.

Mr. Gary Voigt, Environmental Nonprofit
23871 North Cold Springs Road
Paron, Arkansas 72122
(501) 570‐2260, g.voigt@aecc.com ,
Works for the Rural Elect Coops.

Rep. Kathy Webb, House Appointee.
14 Pilot Point Place
Little Rock, AR 72205 (501) 412‐6443, kathy@lillysdimsum.com
State Representative, co-chair of GW Commission.

Commission Advisory Body

Mr. Richard Bell
Arkansas Agriculture Department
1 Natural Resources Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
(501) 683‐4851, richard.bell@aad.ar.gov

Mr. Lawrence Bengal
Oil and Gas Commission
301 Natural Resources Drive, Suite 102
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
(501) 683‐5816, larry.bengal@aogc.state.ar.us

Mr. John Bethel
Public Service Commission
P.O. Bo x400, 1000 Center Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203‐0400
(501) 682‐2051, john_bethel@psc.state.ar.us

Mr. Richard Davies
Parks and Tourism
One Capitol Mall
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
(501) 682‐7777, Richard.davies@arkansas.gov

Ms. Maria Haley
Economic Development
One Capitol Mall, Fourth Floor
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
(501) 682‐2124, m.haley@1800arkansas.com

Ms. Nancy Ledbetter *
Game and Fish Commission
#2 Natural Resources Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
(501) 223‐6318, nledbetter@agfc.state.ar.us

Mr. Lynn Malbrough *
Highway and Transportation
10324 Interstate 30, P.O. Box 2261
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203‐2261
(501) 569‐2000, lynn.malbrough@arkansashighways.com

Ms. Teresa Marks
Department of Environmental Quality
5301 North Shore Drive
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72218
(501) 682‐0959, marks@adeq.state.ar.us

Mr. John Shannon
Forestry Commission
3821 West Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
(501) 296‐1941, john.shannon@mail.state.ar.us

Mr. Randy Young
Natural Resources Commission
101 East Capitol Avenue, Suite 350
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
(501) 682‐3961, randy.young@arkansas.gov
